I’m on ’30 Rock’ tonight at 9PM on NBC!

So…. back in late October I randomly auditioned for and got cast on ’30 Rock’ to play Liz Lemon’s cousin.


It airs tonight at 9PM on NBC.

And I really like that the sound of that. A LOT.

It happened really quickly. I auditioned on Monday, got the part on Tuesday, and started filming on Friday. It was a surreal, intense, long, dream like week. I wasn’t supposed to tell anybody and because I’m uber superstitious, I was just SURE that if I told anybody that it would throw off the whole order of the universe and they’d wise up and cast somebody else, or write off the role, or make him a Chinese woman. SOMETHING WAS SURE TO HAPPEN BETWEEN TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. THERE IS NO WAY I AM GONNA BE ON 30 ROCK was my general thought process.

I got a copy of the script that Tuesday night. It was sealed in an envelope and it sat on my floor, untouched for the next few days. The idea of taking the next step of actually OPENING said envelope and reading said script out loud…. in my apartment…. where I live…. in my room…. on the sofa…. where I watch TV was…. too much.

Nope. Can’t open it yet.

Can’t even touch it. It needs to stay RIGHT there on the floor until I can process this.

Over the following nights I’d wake up from my sleep, assuming I had dreamt the whole affair, and the only way I could tell for sure that it was real was by looking over at the script in my floor.

Its still there. Holy shit.

A few afternoons I found myself at my bathroom mirror, splashing cold water on my face and literally pinching my arm to again, wake up.


And finally. Thursday night came and I got my call times. 9AM I was to report to the corner of 42nd and 8th Avenue. So I went to bed. Willing myself to sleep, trying desperately to close my eyes, get tired, get tired, get tired, think of pillows, sheets, pudding, anything.

But nothing.

I was very awake. The lines were running through my head (I’d opened the envelope containing the script by this point), the nerves, the fears, the holy shit THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING’s. After a few hours I realized sleep wasn’t any where nearby… so I got up…. and walked up to my roof.

It was well past one AM by now and New York was oddly quiet. I stood on my roof processing the whole thing…. I thanked the universe, attempted to check in, and come back down to earth for just a moment so I could hopefully get some sleep. I stared at the sky and went….. Oh My God. Oh My God. Oh My God. Over and over. I went back inside and eventually, sorta, dozed off.

It was a very long week of intense emotions, extreme energy, and mind blowing experiences (I got to film a scene with Matt Lauer!) but one moment in particular stands out, simple and uneventful it may be and definitely overzealous and over the top in my reaction, as a moment in my life…. maybe more so than any other moment before… that I thought….
Holy Shit. This is it. Everything else has lead up to this moment right here. Right now.

It was when we (Tina Fey and I….. rim shot!) were standing in the hallway of Liz Lemon’s apartment building, waiting to make our entrance through her front door. It was just the two of us and one man holding a boom mic in the corner. They called quiet on the set, or whatever it is they say, and everything was super still for the first time all day. I was standing looking at Tina Fey and the set, the the lights, the everything around me and for a split second I truly thought my head might explode.

A million thoughts ran through my mind. I saw myself onstage at the Rome Little Theater, I saw myself in Mrs. Dawson’s music room at St. Mary’s, I saw myself making movies in my backyard, I saw my TV set in Rome, Georgia open up and swallow me whole on my mom’s red rug that I spent every night lying on staring at the glowing screen way too close with visions of every sitcom I’d ever seen spinning in my head…. Mary…. Lucy…. Bob…. Roseanne… Dick…. Samantha…. Jeanie… Marsha Marsha Marsha…. this is happening… this really is happening…. they called action and we entered the scene.

The day went on late into the night. I cried a lot in the car home staring at New York on the Queensboro Bridge, overwhelmed and grateful. I went to my friend Jeremy’s birthday party and ended up staying out way too late. I had two days before I filmed again and I was filled with intense energy that I didn’t know what to do with. Finally…. I went to sleep after the sun came up…. I had been up almost a full 24 hours but I wasn’t tired…. I think my body and my mind never wanted that day to end.

It was pretty awesome. And I’ll never forget it.

On we go.

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42 Comments on “I’m on ’30 Rock’ tonight at 9PM on NBC!”

  1. James Says:

    Jeffery…that is a pretty intense day. I doubt I would’ve been able to sleep either. In any case, way to go. šŸ™‚ And I’ll make sure to watch it tonight…or at least set the DVR to get it so I can watch it later. But I’m sure you did a kick-ass job. So be proud of yourself…no matter what anyone else thinks and shout it from the rooftops (just don’t do that part at 1am…lol).

  2. unsurprised Says:

    “those little town blues/
    are meltin’ away…”

    you can make it anywhere.

    so happy for you.

  3. Will Says:

    congratulations, jeffery!!

  4. Eric Says:

    This is pretty darn awesome. I’ll be watching!

  5. brendan Says:

    Can’t wait to see you tonight! Did how much fun you and Cole had teasing Cheyenne Jackson on the LOGO awards show help you get the role? Did you talk to Cheyenne while you were on set?

  6. Bugger Says:

    I’m so happy for you šŸ˜€

  7. jimmy Says:

    Loved it! All that and James Franco too.

  8. John T. Says:

    oh my gosh you were so amazing! it was absolutely adorable!

  9. Steven Says:

    Great job!! Really cool to see you on the show.

  10. Joseph Says:

    Oh my goodness! I thought that was you on 30 Rock (confirmed by the credits and this entry). Congrats! 30 Rock is amazing and you quite funny. What a great episode to get cast in too! James Franco!!!

  11. Scott Says:

    Good job on the show tonight. Hopefully this leads to bigger and bigger things. Stay out and proud, and always remember to “be”……….

  12. Joseph Says:

    Oh my goodness! I thought that was you on 30 Rock (confirmed by the credits and this entry). Congrats! 30 Rock is amazing and you were quite funny. What a great episode to get cast in too! James Franco!!!

    Note: This isn’t a duplicate comment. I just can’t live with my grammatical error in the previous one.

  13. Duncan Says:

    I just caught it on DVR – rushed to watch ot after I saw tweet from Justin B..Congrats – you nailed it!!

    Big Fan:)

  14. Clyde Barrow Says:

    I didn’t see the credits, but I was like “where have I seen this guy before?”… Usually I’m wrong with crap like this, but haha I was right! šŸ™‚

  15. Frank Says:

    Unbelievable. Just watched it and you were great! Congratulations. I am a fan in Toronto!

  16. Dan Says:

    You were awesome. Admired your youtube videos for a while but was shocked and pleased to see you on 30Rock

  17. Melissa Says:

    Congrats! I know Mrs. Dawson is soo proud of you! HAHA! Love you Jeffery… You’re a star!

  18. David Says:

    Jeffery, that is awesome! I’m at home, combing my poodle, and POW there you are on my favorite show! This tops off a great day for me. First my Dr. gave me a prescription for Vicodin, and then you’re on 30 Rock. 2010 is pretty cool so far!


  19. Scott Says:

    I hadn’t seen you blog post before the show aired and then shouted at the screen when I saw you! Big congrats from Washington, DC!

  20. Critifur Says:

    You were fantastic! I love 30 Rock.

  21. Johnnie Says:

    Being on 30 Rock just makes you so much more awesome!

  22. Myrlin Says:

    I thought you were brilliant on the show! I’ll be watching for you in the future.

  23. Jeanne Says:

    Thanks to AG’s twitter, we knew it was you. The show was great and you were a natural!! Liz needs to invite her cousin back to visit. Congratulations!

  24. FuegoDiego Says:

    Just so you know, I jumped up & yelled at the TV when they flashed to you. I had no idea you were going to be on, as I had been away from my computer/phone most of the day at work in meetings. I arrived home, poured a glass of wine, clicked on 30Rock & when I saw you it was like a football game in my house. My dog is still a little on edge about the whole thing. Basically, I’m just happy for you. What a role. What a great shot. Congrats.

  25. John Says:

    You were awesome!

    But I’m afraid the image of you with the word “SLUT” written on your beglittered forehead is burned into my consciousness forever.

    I hope you’re not typecast now. (Casting director: “Let’s see, who can we get for that slutty role? Oh, I know . . .”)

  26. @iam1cuteboy Says:

    Loved the episode, one of the best of the series. Love you, You’re brilliant. You’re living my dream. Congratulations, and many more to come.

  27. Tyler Says:

    Awesome show, I loved your character. Congrats on getting the role, and I hope they call you back for another episode.

  28. Lucas Says:

    Top of the hat, Jeffrey – you killed on 30 ROCK last night. Personally, my head would’ve exploded by merely being in the same room as Tina Fey and James Franco. Congrats and great job.

  29. Kate Says:

    I thought I recognized you! You did a wonderful job, congratulations! Now we want details… what is Tina Fey REALLY like?

  30. Ricki Says:

    Wow! You are living the dream! I recognized you immediately (big fan of the VGL boys). I thought you rocked and your role made the whole episode for me. And, was it my imagination or did I see James Franco giving you the eye during your scene together? Sigh.

  31. brendan Says:

    I hope when I have glitter all over my face and SLUT across my forehead at Halloween, people will get the reference. Loved it!!

  32. Archerr Says:

    Loved your performance!

  33. pepper Says:

    you’re spine-tingling adorable, mr self
    congratulations on a stellar performance and opportunity that inspired me to track you down

  34. Scott Says:

    You were fantastic, Jeffery, and very cute. I hope they bring you back. (From a different Scott who’s also in Washington, DC)

  35. homer Says:

    Congrats!!!! I am glad your dreams are just starting to come true.

  36. js Says:

    I’m a big fan of 30 Rock, and you are the best character on it this season.

  37. Adam Says:

    I’ve been a big fan before Jeffery and Cole casserole it’s one of the only shows I feel I can relate to. I was watching 30 rock, another good TV show, and I saw you in the very beginning for a split second so I started to search and found this blog. I’ve loved your work and I hope that your career takes you as far as you want to go. Good luck, adam.

  38. Brian Says:

    I’m so so happy for you … Terrific performance on “30 Rock.” You’re a pro … Looking forward to continued wonderful success!

    Washington, DC

  39. Anthony Says:

    You were just amazing – this was a top-notch episode and very, very funny. Great job, you really brought your character to life. And really made me laugh!!

  40. […] him up online, and he was played by an actor named Jeffery Self. It turns out he has a blog and wrote a post about his big […]

  41. Kasey Says:

    Great job! 3 things:

    1. A great friend also went in for the role of Liz Lemon’s cousin. But he’s cuban so we’re not really sure how that even happened… But it meant I ended up really interested in the episode. You were great!

    2. A friends facebook status led me to your friend’s ‘Bernadette Peters swinging arms’ clip which led to one of yours together. I was like…. isn’t that the kid…. 30 rock…… small world.

    Keep up the great/positive work!

  42. Sunny Says:

    It might be late to introduce myself but I’m one of the big fans of yours!! xD I’ve been stalking you through the internet for more than 2 years. I’m a female stalker always watching you.

    You were my favorite of favorite vlogger in Youtube but ever since you stopped posting videos on Youtube, I’ve been wandering around there feeling lost.

    So save me out of this situation!!!

    Anyway since i’m not living in US, Today I downloaded an episode of 30Rock which you were in,, And I was SO surprised to see you as “Liz’s cousin”!!! Now you’re officially getting fame on TV!

    So happy to see recent performance of you:]

    And would you make more vids for the fans who are out of NYC,please?

    Heart you Jeff!~


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